All about your wildflower seeds & how to plant them

What I love about Buddha Bee is working with customers who share our vision of the future: one where every backyard is buzzing with life. One where bees are hard at work pollinating flowers, beneficial wasps are happily providing free pest control, trees are generously sheltering birds, and soil is teeming with important fungi and microbes.

We hope you have fun getting your hands dirty and adding some color to your backyard with this native seed mix. Some of you have decades of gardening experience under your belt. If these seeds aren’t right for your garden, feel free to pass them along to a friend along with this link!

What seeds are in the packet and where’d they come from?

These seeds in your packet are from Garrett Wildflower Seed Farm, a family-owned farm about an hour southeast of Durham in Smithfield, NC. It is a mix of seeds native to the Eastern United States. Below is a list of seeds, by weight. A stands for annual and P stands for perennial.

We chose this mix because it’s known to be hardy and established well in low-tillage environments.

How and when should I plant them?

We recommend seeding between November and March 1st! Find the area in your yard that receives the most sunlight. Prepare a small flower bed by removing weeds (or grass) and breaking up compacted areas of soil. Depending on the health of your soil, you may want to add compost. Next, sprinkle the seeds evenly on top of the soil. Cover them with a very thin layer of soil, no more than 1/8-inch deep. Be sure to water during dry spells. Be patient. The flowers may be slow to establish and most often spend their energy the first year developing root systems.


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